As I look back on the past year, I have a lot of great moments to be thankful for. The year started off with being awarded the honor to have my poem "Mirrors" included in a national poetry collection titled TURNING the CORNER: Origin published January 14, 2022 by Eber & Wein Publishing that recognized amateur writers and poets. Here is the YouTube link to a reading of it:
Starting on a high note in 2022 inspired me to create more poems and enter more contests, along with performing more LIVE readings in my local community. One poem that won a local poetry contest sponsored by the Dayton Miami County Public Library was my poem "Walls" which I read on more than one occasion. Working on DEVOTIONAL RHYMES and REFLECTIONS and gathering poems for my upcoming book STILL MORE RHYMES and REFLECTIONS (to be published in 2023) has definitely kept me busy.
What has really been enjoyable this year are the great visits I had with friends and family. My visit with longtime friends living in Halifax, VA and others in Lexington, KY in September were so much fun and remind me of the great treasure friends are on the path of life, especially former coworkers where we laugh and reminisce.
In addition I was blessed in July with what could be described as a family reunion of sorts with daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren which really added a lot of joy to the summer. Before I knew it, I was flying across the country to spend Thanksgiving with many of them in the beautiful San Diego area in California. I have witnessed many times when our family gets together how much everyone likes telling stories, especially the reminiscing of events from childhood or other shared experiences. Have any of you experienced a similar phenomena? I wrote a poem called "Stories" to sum up the dynamic of how it happens at gatherings of friends and family.

So, with only a few days left to 2022 I wish you all a happy ending with reflections of gratitude for the happy times, and send compassion for the hard times.
May we all have a clear road ahead in 2023 for what enhances life: love of family, friends, creativity, good health, prosperity...and we can add good food to the list, too! Ready for take-off...2023!
Stay tuned for my alert about the soon to be released book STILL MORE RHYMES and REFLECTIONS.
Thank you for following my blog and reading my poems.
